Wednesday, March 14, 2007

懵懂度日 + 心不在焉....


上個禮拜被某日本貿易商事公司接觸想要挖我過去做推銷發電機的業務員 (是的, 就我這身心數不正的小哥德性, 長的就是是一副應該去跟核四建商和台塑王老爺博感情就是了...)...

當然啦, 對方是開了不少令人心動的條件, (無須履歷申請不請自來的外商機會, 年資照算薪資加碼...加上自己即將年邁安祥穩逸的30大關卻還沒預見人生的第一百萬, ) 也請了過去四年多的我的老闆單獨晚餐遊說...
不過接下這份工作的首要前提是要我必須辭去平日晚上radio的工作... 一方面是為了應付之後的加班應酬跟長途出差, 二方面可能也是對方真的有心培養人才, 要我不能分心在其他事務上...

但在經過了幾番自我省核和思考後(只差沒做SWOT分析...)我還是決定在今天中午向對方攤牌, 回絕對方的好意...

可能我還是太玩世不恭, 我就是不想把自己的生命賤賣給單排三扣西裝領帶的純機械式上班族生活...
撇開那些身為業務員就無可避免的應酬聚會和油腔滑調的你來我往不說, 每當我想到要是接下了對方的邀約, 很可能不出半年我就會像樓下那些保險業務一樣在大熱天還穿著G2000的素面廉價襯衫(Just because they have to), 臉上掛著一副泛著暗紅或淺藍的著色眼鏡, 最後還要穿塑膠漆皮方頭橡膠底的La New皮鞋.....

唯一令我比較有壓力的就是所謂職場中的無影血滴子 - 人情壓力 - 了吧.... 畢竟連我跟隨了四年多的老頭都希望我能接下他們的條件專心做個朝九晚酒的上班族....

Goddamn... I wasn't born into this world to conform, my freewill sure worths more than the mere $60K + bonus that you'd offered.

Call me short-sighted, but right now I'm just happy to live things as it is...
My achievement-lacking work-life provides me with the time and mind to attend to other spare things while I'm still getting paid...
So bring on whatever that's in your mind, but this sure seems like the better deal on the opportunity cost for a Sagittarius dudel like me...
(just ask D.esquire, who rocked these when I first met him @ UBC-SRC, he'll tell you that 西裝對我來說只是一套"戰袍", 而不是"制服"...)

In other news:
  • copped a Nintendo DS Lite over the weekend...
    Playing oldtime retro games like Mario Bros. was a pure joy of blast from the past~
    (yeah I'm like, 20-months too late to get caught in the heat of this DS thing... but yeah...)

  • 呼應一下皮博士, who's considering going to see the movie 300 壯士 only 'cuz it's allegedly a "guy's movie"...
    說真的, 一部117分鐘每分每秒看到的只是300個光著膀子的大漢 (也就是300條緊繃的三角褲頭, 600顆堅挺渾圓的胸肌和爬滿汗水的鮮嫩臂膀, 2,400塊凹凸有致排列整齊的巧克力腹肌, 加上在臉上數以萬計的鬍渣跟一條條不知道是血漬還是機油的污垢...) 你打我我打你...
    and you'd like to call it a guy's movie?
    oh well, anything's possible~
I'm outtie.


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