Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Free & Guilt-Free Dowload: Stones Throw Chrome Children Vol. 2 (did I mention that it's FREE??)

pimp this chrome child's ride.

我很努力的告訴自己當我想要介紹新歌的時候, I have to add a little DIVERSITY... 可是看來看去怎麼好像都還是在John Mayer跟Stones Throw之間徘徊咧???

Stones Throw 這個怪不啦几的地下嘻哈廠牌第一次推出這個叫做Chrome Children的合輯其實已經是快兩年前的事了...
雖然我很買其中一些歌手的帳 (the Jay, the Lib, the Villain, Oh No...) 但可能是它那蠻沒感情的模糊封面, 我也是矜到這次去美國在店裡看到特價$12.99才心軟購入...

果不其然, 這張並不太是我的菜... somehow someway it just didn't really connect...

不過很快的這個Chrome Children就又推出了第二篇, 而且這次還在ST的官網免費歡迎大家下載...
[info & free official download of the ENTIRE Album]

從早上抓下來之後我已經差不多把整張專輯聽過一次, 不但整體性比Vol.1來的順暢很多, 歌曲的內容還有Remix的版本也多還教人印象深刻...

結語: 最後一首Arabian Prince - Strange Life是我唯一沒load上iPod的歌, 其他我都還蠻愛的...

Hot Scale: In terms of a Stones Throw Release, I would say this is about in between a Ellen Pompeo (when she was in Old School) and Christine Taylor Hot



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