I'm Bringing GoodTunes Back...
I'm not gonna lie, I've been running outta ideas for wagging.
與其說沒靈感, 倒不如說我一整個在逃避updating這個blog...
日子每天照常過, 每天瑣碎的事情也都照樣發生, 但我只要一開始偷個兩三天懶, 我的那個三分鐘熱度的個性時鐘就會正式的進入到3:01分....
年假剛開始的那幾天本來就很提不起勁去乖乖的坐回電腦前寫日記, 接下來就是一直維持到今天的這股駝鳥逃避的態度... 駝到連人家皮博士都快看不下去了...
(by the way, 我也覺得上戶彩是盤好菜...)
"5/8" by J Dilla
Found on The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
人都已經死了一年多了, Dilla就是有他的辦法...
雖然從老唱片Loop出簡單卻又反複的旋律是他一貫的招式, 不過這手是真的可以聽聽看, very energetic, much better than most of the Donut cuts.
"Imagine" - DJ Numark & Promo
Courtesy of Souled On
You know how there are so many songs sharing the same, boring, generic title that after listening to all them different songs you start to get paranoid and wonder to yourself which "song" fits to that "title"?
(for examples, songs like "Rock with You", "I just wanna love you", "Beautiful"... 什麼什麼的...)
Well, anyways, by reading the title "Imagine", I would imagine that you would imagine that this "Imagine" is that John Lennon "Imagine"...
Yes it is.
So now that they've dubbed beats and Sax to it, you better pump them through your speakers for a mere 3 minutes of your time.
Finally, I wanna say rest in peace to my 40G iPod.
we had a good run, thanks for the ride.
與其說沒靈感, 倒不如說我一整個在逃避updating這個blog...
日子每天照常過, 每天瑣碎的事情也都照樣發生, 但我只要一開始偷個兩三天懶, 我的那個三分鐘熱度的個性時鐘就會正式的進入到3:01分....
年假剛開始的那幾天本來就很提不起勁去乖乖的坐回電腦前寫日記, 接下來就是一直維持到今天的這股駝鳥逃避的態度... 駝到連人家皮博士都快看不下去了...
(by the way, 我也覺得上戶彩是盤好菜...)
"5/8" by J Dilla
Found on The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
人都已經死了一年多了, Dilla就是有他的辦法...
雖然從老唱片Loop出簡單卻又反複的旋律是他一貫的招式, 不過這手是真的可以聽聽看, very energetic, much better than most of the Donut cuts.
"Imagine" - DJ Numark & Promo
Courtesy of Souled On
You know how there are so many songs sharing the same, boring, generic title that after listening to all them different songs you start to get paranoid and wonder to yourself which "song" fits to that "title"?
(for examples, songs like "Rock with You", "I just wanna love you", "Beautiful"... 什麼什麼的...)
Well, anyways, by reading the title "Imagine", I would imagine that you would imagine that this "Imagine" is that John Lennon "Imagine"...
Yes it is.
So now that they've dubbed beats and Sax to it, you better pump them through your speakers for a mere 3 minutes of your time.
Finally, I wanna say rest in peace to my 40G iPod.
we had a good run, thanks for the ride.
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