Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Oscars Afterthought.

昨天我也湊了一下奧斯卡熱鬧, 從晚上9:30開始邊上節目邊看奧斯卡重播... 雖然明明都已經知道誰得獎了, 但就是不知道打哪來的勁, 以往的我都只把主持人開場看完就轉台的人, 昨天11點回到家之後竟然也繼續跟著看, 嘻哩呼嚕的就看完整場重播...

  1. You Guys Got Fooled!!!
    那個叫Forest Whitaker的新科影帝其實就是絕地奶霸裡面的Big Momma Martin Lawrence!!!

  2. 每次要進廣告之前的那堆影舞者大概比任何一個女星的打扮還要教人印象深刻...
    快樂腳的那個我覺得有點假, 但熊熊弄出飛機上有蛇的海報的那個倒真的很屌...

  3. Ellen DeGeneres 是個不錯的主持人, 光是看她更正自己說Panelope Cruz是從墨西哥來的那段的時候的反應就覺得她確實是還蠻穩健的...
    比起前年Chris Rock反覆炒作種族做話題, 雖然Ellen少的點Punch, but I think it's good enough...
    but honestly, I kept on seeing this hallucination of seeing Dory on the stage....

  4. (a) We Need a Pronunciation Session on the Word: "Scorsese"
    就像不看球的人八成都不會唸Anderson Varejao, Andrew Bynum, Amare Stoudamire, Nazr Mohammed, 或是 Martynas Andriuskevicius 一樣, 昨天晚上只要一有頒獎人或主持人唸到"Scorsese"這個字, 我就下意識的跟著唸一遍... 一晚上下來還是不太確定到底怎麼發音...

    (b) You Guys Got Fooled, AGAIN!!!!
    昨晚的最佳導演Martin Scorsese 其實是美國派裡面的爸爸Eugene Levy啦!!!

  5. As Much As I Hate Kobe and the rest of the Lakers, 我認真覺得緯來跟ESPN有義務多轉播點湖人的球賽, 我也要強迫自己多看看...
    雖然不知道那是他新戲的造型還是他化療後的堅強模樣, 但當我看到Jack Nicholson後, 我認真覺得要開始好好珍惜他存在於這世界的每一刻...

  6. 台灣各大頒獎典禮真的要好好學學人家, 管他大牌還是小咖頒獎時一律不囉唆, 通通簡潔有力不拖泥帶水, 話說沒兩句就頒....

  7. (瞧我剛剛簡潔有力的....)

  8. 最後我想說, Will Ferrell's career has officially entered its countdown...
    You can't possibly live a life of a whacky comedian for the entire span of your career, and you certainly can't perform whacky sketches @ a major award show for more than once....

    One of Will's funnier award-show-sketch...
    As much as I love Frank the Tank, you can really hear his clock ticking its way down from the Jack Black duet last night....


Blogger 皮博士 said...

if you think the clock on will ferrell is ticking away...
you obviously haven't seen "stranger than fiction"...
you know who's clock is almost on the last tick?
the comedian-turn-pornstar-lover....jim carrey.....

11:50 AM  

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